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Get my new Album “Back to Life”

Hello Everyone!

I’m really exited to let you know that I’ve finally launched my Album on July the 24th in 2020,  entitled “Back to Life”: it is available on all the Digital Stores.

For Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music and Deezer, cleck here on the Album Title “Back to Life”.

Click on the name/link of the platform if you want to get it on Amazon MusicTidal , Napster, and many more…



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Dreaming is the storm that can generate beauty,it is NOT easy, but definitely worth it!

Power is a tool that needs to be handled with care and harmony, like my public, a temple that is always wise and resonant enough to listen and hear.

Interest for music is a powerful vector, that moves me always up, for discovering new horizons, styles and perspectives, as only the sky can be the limit.

Aways up for challenges, it is a must, otherwise the wings of my dreams would be cut way shorter than the flight requires them to be.

Never underestimate the power of a sound, because all my works are mastered like sounds painting the silence.

Innovative approach is necessary in order to step into a kind and powerful relation with the times we’re living.

Success is a major goal, therefore my work philosophy is giving with heart and receiving accordingly.

Time is an intelligent but very often sarcastic “engine”, giving us the impression that it is passing, when actually we are passing through time.

The Language of Music is Universal: You hear a Note, and understand the sound of Eternity itself

Courage is not always a lion, it is sometimes also the will of going on no matter the circumstances.

One dream is enough for building a great future, but only if you work hard and keep believing in yourself.

More you create, more you understand that there is still plenty to be done.

Piano isn’t just a musical instrument, it is a philosophy of life, where both the white and the black keys are necessary for creating a perfect harmony.

Other people are important, simply because from the multitude of their opinions, good or bad, can be built the stairway for an amazing personal growth.

Seeing has to be done firstly with your heart, as only from there come the most pure and genuine ideas.

Every little thing that is happening is for good, or we as rational creatures have the power of making it so.

Right and wrong are always starting with a single step, is up to us deciding which street to follow.

LiFE is an amazing journey, a challenge and a “Book”, where those who do not “travel”, read only a Page…

Winning is an important aspect, especially when directed by imagination and light.

Running towards a goal has to be a two sided process: on one formulating a clear strategy for success, and on another side respecting the laws of harmony.

Inverting fear and negative thinking into curiosity means gaining strength for your journey, because only a shining soul can transform reality receiving the applause for it.

Tempo is far from being just a music term, it is the discipline of the “when-how-where” philosophy that teaches reasoning, calm and madness in the right proportions.

Everything is possible, if matured with love and applied with wisdom.

Remembering the mistakes is the best way of learning from them and making better mistakes in the future.

Follow the Alchemy,
Change “Impossible” into “I’m Possible”.

I am,
I Can,
I want.

Anything is possible:


Learn. Live. 
